منتديات الفطاحله - عرض مشاركة واحدة - قصائد انجليزيه اعجبتني
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 21-03-2006, 09:56 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط :
  الحالة :


Thumbs up قصائد انجليزيه اعجبتني

السلام عليكم :
بالاول ماعليش يامشرفينا الاعزاء لكني مالقيت منتدى مناسب اضع فيه القصيده ولكن الموضوع جاهز للنقل اللي عنده منتدى افضل تحياتي :

Dead men lying on the heart of the grave
Wondering when savior comes, if he is gonna be saved
Maybe you're a sinner and to your turn in life
Maybe you're a joker, maybe you deserve to die

They were crying when their sons left
God is wearing black
He's gone so far to find no hope
He's never coming back

They were crying when their sons left
All your men must go
He's come so far to find no truth
He's never going home

Young men standing on the top of their own grave
Wondering when Jesus comes, are they gonna be saved
Holy to the little bishop, tells the king his lies
Maybe you're a mourner, maybe you deserve to die

They were crying when their sons left
God is wearing black
He's gone so far to find no hope
He's never coming back

They were crying when their sons left
All your men must go
He's come so far to find no truth
He's never going home

Welcome to the soldier side
Where there is no one here but me
People all grow up to die
There is no one here but me

Welcome to the soldier side
There is no one here but me
People on the soldier side
There is no one here but me

طبعا القصيده من وجهة نظر مسيحيه لذلك لاداعي للتدقيق في بعض معتقداتها

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