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قديم 29-05-2006, 11:09 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1

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Thumbs up Research On System Hacking

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ...
بالأول احب اشكر كل من ساعدوني بعد الله على اتمام هذا البحث البسيط المتواضع والذي يدور حول اختراق الانظمه , وهو اني حاولت ان اثبت نظرية أن الأنظمة تم تطوير حمايتها على مر هذه السنين بفضل الله اولاً ثم بفضل الاختراق والمخترقين وأعني بذلك الهاكرز وليس الكراكرز.

شكرا لكم.


written By M. Al-tamimi.

college of languages and translations and literature
Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia,Riyadh


We all use computers and most of us can not stop use it for one day of his life. Unfortunately, most of computer users can not know how to use computers in a proper way. Most of the people "users" I have seen, they don't know how handle the computer or the system security properly. Since this technology never come to use seriously until the beginning of the year 2000. Internet started in the Arab world in the middle of 1996, but this time it was much expensive to be used by ordinary people "users" or middle classes users. So at the beginning of year 2000 users from different ages started to use the Internet randomly. So because the poor knowledge they have about Internet and system security, high rates of system hacking registered in the Middle East. There was a study done by PC magazine on (1999), which shows most of most of computers in the Gulf countries attacked at least one time a day.

Also %80 of users in the Arab countries their computers contains patch files "Trojan horses" these files are Trojan Horses or Backdoors. Lured by the word ’free’ users are enticed to download a free program. When that program is executed it sends a communication back to the author with details about open ports to the target system. This creates a kind of backdoor entry-point for the hacker. And that's makes the hacker's job very easy to hack into the computer systems

As we all know that the word hacking is a general term that aim to all kinds of hacking such as house hacking bank hacking and technology hacking. We will go through technology hacking which my research will be about, and will be about system hacking. As you all know most of the people got a poor knowledge about this field, and for this reason I will try to view this subject as easy as possible.

What is hacking? This is a question that comes to each user's mind. Hacking is the ability to reach a target system intentionally in illegal way through exploits in the security system or the system it self, without knowledge of the user or the admin of the network. There are two kinds of system intruders, the first called Hacker, the second one called Cracker. Also there is a huge difference between a Hacker and a Cracker.

The Hacker is a person "user" highly expert who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems, and how to stretch their capabilities, one who programs enthusiastically or who enjoys to programming rather than just using programs already made by some one else. Also the term Hacker most having to do with technical adeptness and a delight in solving problems and overcoming limits. Hackers built the Internet, Hackers made the Unix operating system as it is today. Hackers make the World Wide Web work perfectly. A hacker is a person capable of appreciating hack value, a person who is good at programming quickly. A is an expert at a particular program, or one who frequently does work using it or on it , an expert or enthusiast of any kind. One who enjoys the intellectual challenge of creativity overcoming or break the limitations.

The Cracker is a person "user" who use programs already made by some one else and try to find or seek his way inside others systems or computers through programs or ways already done by hackers. Real hackers call this group of people "users" Crackers, and want nothing to do with them. The Cracker is the one who hack in to the systems just for fun and phreaking the people off, and destroy the systems of other users. Real hackers mostly think crackers are lazy, irresponsible, and not very bright, and object that being able to break security doesn't make you a hacker any more than being able to hotwire cars make you an automotive engineer. Even within hacker society, the definitions range from societal very positive (dare I say characteristic of gifted and talented individuals) to criminal. In his book, "Fighting Computer Crime: A New Framework for Protecting Information" (1998), Donn B. Parker lists two basic principles hacker live by:

The belief that information sharing is a powerful good and that it is the ethical duty of hackers to share their expertise by writing free software and facilitating access to information and to computing resources whenever possible.
The belief that system cracking for fun and exploitation is ethically OK as long as the cracker commits no theft, vandalism or breach of confidentiality. Parker differentiates between benign and malicious hackers based on whether damage is performed, though in reality all hacking involves intrusion and a disregard for the efforts, works and property of others. Unfortunately, many journalists and writers have been fooled into using the word ‘hacker’ to describe crackers; this irritates real hackers no end.

The basic difference is this: hackers build things, crackers break them.

Literary review:
The theory:
According to Jones, Shema, Johnson (2002), "As mentioned previously, network and security tools are constantly changing to keep up with the times and advances in technology"(xxiii), this theory talk's about the technology and how it's being improved by hacking, in his book shows some hacking tools that's keep developing constantly, and if you know the disease you can make the cure for it. Most of the users don't know what they are facing, from this I can tell that hacking is useful some times for showing us the functional problems in the security systems.

Also this is a quotation of Gisle Hannemyr (1997), “Hacking is discussed in the context of being a method for system development. Finally, it is argued that this system development method under certain circumstances may yield superior software artifacts”, this one two proved the theory that I am showing.


Research design: A case study about how system hacking improves the security of systems and computers. And how it affected the technology in a positive way by showing techniques done by people their own interest is to increase more security and privacy to our systems. Also without this important factor in our digital life we May find our selves a way behind in securing a very highly technology.

On the other hand the role of hacking technology for opening our eyes to new methods and techniques in securing our digital life. Of coarse my position in this study will be as an observer who observes magazine's articles, journals, users experience, and my own experience in his field. Also to be as a projector who try's to highlight the importance of this subject, and how it improves the security during all these years.

Setting of the study: This study took place in Riyadh, Kingdome of Saudi Arabia. Of coarse it was a little bit difficult for me to gather information about this subject among the ordinary people, and none experienced persons. So I went to some coffee shops, and I visited some experienced users just to ask them about their opinion in this subject and the theory I talked about.

Participants: The first kind of participant was the administrators of the coffee shops I spoke to three administrators the first one was 33 Y.O male, the second one was 27 Y.O /M, the third was the youngest and he was 24 Y.O /M. The second kind was ordinary users I submitted a questionnaire to 20 persons there ages were about 20-27 Y.O /M. The third kind was ordinary users, of course they were in the university and all of them were students.

Data collection: I started with journals and magazines articles in the same field some of these magazines I saw was PC magazine, WINDOWS magazine. There is some books I saw such as ANTI-HACKER TOOL KIT, HACKING EXPOSED WEB APPLICATIONS. And there is an article witch shows us the poor knowledge users of there systems, by Ben Z. Gottesman and Konstantinos Karagiannis's (2005), on www.pcmag.com, found that " America Online teamed up with the nonprofit National Cyber Security Alliance to find out how well people think they're protected against the many types of attacks they're being bombarded with across the Internet—and how well they're actually protected. To do this, they surveyed 329 people from across the country about security issues, then had technicians examine participants' PCs to see how closely the systems matched the survey answers.

The results said a lot about the sorry state of PC security and how deeply our heads are buried in the sand. Only 85 percent of the AOL/NCSA survey respondents were running antivirus software. Worse, while 71 percent of those people thought they were updating their protection at least weekly (including automatic updates), barely half of them actually were. No wonder nearly one in five of the respondents' PCs (19 percent) was virus-infected.
The picture isn't any better for other threats: 80 percent of respondents were found to have some type of spyware on their systems. Only a third were running a firewall. Many with wireless networks were running them unencrypted". This also tells us how deep is hacking attached to security.

Also this quotation is a part from the previews article By Ben Z. Gottesman and Konstantinos Karagiannis's (2005) found that "According to Symantec, if you connected an unprotected PC to the Internet in 2003, it would be attacked within 15 minutes. By 2004, that figure had dropped to 15 seconds. Don't take it personally. In many cases the whole process is automated, with your machine just another number in a range of targeted IP addresses", this part of the article supports the idea of the theory of my research Jones, Shema, Johnson (2002), "As mentioned previously, network and security tools are constantly changing to keep up with the times and advances in technology"(xxiii), that proves hacking development to dominate the security of the systems. Then this is a big chance to prove that hacking improved security over the years and helped the security to become more affective than ever.

Then I started with note taking for the second method of data collection, and that method used when I was in the coffee shops. One of them say "in the beginning of internet in Saudi Arabia, before 8 years ago, it was difficult to stop crackers crack our computers, the reason for that was the poor knowledge of us. Also we don't know how we can stop such of these attacks, but now we are capable of stopping these attacks. And we find some high technology programs provided for us in the market, which gave us a big bush ahead".

Also I used listening some times with them specially when we were talking about some common things in the Internet. On the other hand with the second group I took there point of view in certain issues I submitted in the questionnaire, and that questionnaire consisted of five questions that goes around our research. And it's goes like this:


*Please circle the answer you choose under each question, please try to be accurate in choosing your answers:

1. Do you use on your computer Anti-viruses or any security programs?
Yes No

2. Do you know very well what the meaning of HACKING is?

3. Do you have knowledge about Hacking?

4. Do you ever have a past experience with hackers?

5. Do you think that hacking improved the system security to the best?

The questionnaire was good as a small one of coarse, so for the questionnaire there were 20 person all of them they were Internet users. The first question 19 users have chosen YES, but only one user said NO, for the second question 9 of them said YES, and 10 of them took A FEW, and 1 have chosen NO. for the third question 11 user circled NO and 7 of them took A FEW but only 2 chosen YES, and that bring us to the fact that they don't have knowledge about the word meaning it may get difficult for them in handling their own systems problems.

For the forth question 13 user chosen NO, but only 7 users say YES, and that show us there is a great problem in dealing with security problems and that they have been hacked before. The fifth question 7 users say NO, and 4 users say SOME HOW, wail 9 users convinced that hacking has improved security over the years. Also show us the continuing development of system security all over the past years.

Data analysis: this is a diagram I draw to show the data I collected from those users:

So I hope I've been able to show the results in good way that can make you all understand the purpose I done this study for.

In conclusion as we all saw now in this research paper I have been able to prove that security developed by hacking. And as you all see the security nowadays become irresistible and thanks to the hackings and the hackers’ methods, which improved all these years, our security and make our lives very easy. We should encourage this group of people to work hand to hand for improving our technology for the best. And we saw that most of the people who use the Internet do not know how to handle their computers properly.
How can we teach young computer enthusiasts to be responsible members of the electronic community, without defining them as criminals? The analogy of karate instruction suggests that the answer is to combine ethical training with real empowerment. To turn this broad slogan into a practical program requires several changes in our approach to educational computing and to computing in general. Growth, like any ongoing function, requires adequate objects in the environment to meet the needs and capacities of the growing child, boy, and young man, until he can better choose and make his own environment.

- Hacking has improved our computer security so we should encourage it for legal works, and under observation of recommended people from the government.
- I recommend that the governments have some schools and centers for such people, because as we see they are natural treasures.
- We should educate the people about how to handling the Internet and their system security.

1. Jones, K., Shema, M.,& Johnson, B. (2002).Anti-Hacker Tool Kit.
2. Scmbray, J., & Shema, M. (2002). Hacking Exposed Web Applications.
3. Gottesman, B, Karagiannis G. (2005). A False Sense of Security. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1759,1754340,00.asp
4. Dorothy E. Denning’s (1999). Hackers Who Break into Computer Systems.
5. Karagiannis, K.(2003). Think Like a Hacker.
6. Hannemyr, G.(1998). technology and pleasure, considering hacking
constructive. http://firstmonday.org/issues/issue4_2/gisle/
7. Harvey, B. University of California, Berkeley .(1985). Computer Hacking and
Ethics. http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~bh/hackers.html

توقيع صياف
  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 29-05-2006, 11:42 AM   رقم المشاركة : 2
ثامر الشبيلي

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يعطيك العافيه اخوي صياف

مجهود رائع

وبحث قيم

واستنتاجات صحيحة

موفق دائما

مودتي وتقديري

توقيع ثامر الشبيلي
  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 29-05-2006, 11:53 AM   رقم المشاركة : 3

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العفو اخوي ثامر تحياتي لك اخي العزيز وشكرا على مسارعتك في الرد وان دل فهو دال على اهتمام شخصكم الكريم.

توقيع صياف
  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 06-06-2006, 08:54 PM   رقم المشاركة : 4
وردة الفطاحله/عضو شرف
 الصورة الرمزية الريم

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 10
  الحالة :الريم غير متواجد حالياً



الله يستر من الهاكرز والكراكرز والله

يسلمو هاكرزنا صياف ويعطيك العافيه على المجهود الرائع

توقيع الريم
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قديم 14-06-2006, 12:33 AM   رقم المشاركة : 5

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كح كح هكرز اي هكرز ياشيخه ماعندي ماعندجدتي مزنه خخخخخخخخخخ

شكرا لك اختي الريم على مرورك الكريم وتحياتي لك

توقيع صياف
  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 30-11-2010, 08:32 PM   رقم المشاركة : 6

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 10
  الحالة :الهميم غير متواجد حالياً



شكرا لك
وبارك الله فيك

توقيع الهميم
  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 30-11-2010, 08:56 PM   رقم المشاركة : 7

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  النقاط : 10
  الحالة :بليهان غير متواجد حالياً



كتبت فأمتعت
شكراً لك

توقيع بليهان
  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 04-12-2010, 12:12 PM   رقم المشاركة : 8

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  النقاط : 10
  الحالة :البتار غير متواجد حالياً



شكرا لك
على الجهد الطيب

توقيع البتار
  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 04-12-2010, 12:48 PM   رقم المشاركة : 9

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  الحالة :البتار غير متواجد حالياً



بارك الله فيك
على ما تقوم به

توقيع البتار
  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 05-12-2010, 10:11 AM   رقم المشاركة : 10

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 10
  الحالة :الهامس غير متواجد حالياً



الف شكر
على ماجاد به قلمك
تحياتي الطيبه

توقيع الهامس
  رد مع اقتباس
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